Resolutions yet again

It’s been a few weeks since I posted anything. I’ve been spending time with family and now that all the madness is coming to a close, back to writing. Since it’s New Year’s Eve, it’s time for the proclamations and intentions for the new year. I’ve decided to publically share my top three (mainly to keep myself accountable.)

1) Be more present with my son

We are so busy trying to capture the moment that we often miss it completely.  When I’m with my son I want to turn off the electronics and be with him.

2) Tone that post baby body up.

Well my son is almost 10 months old and while I lost most of the baby weight a while ago, my body does not look the same. Pilates, here I come.

3) Organization

Time to stop living like I did in college and get organized. I am mom that works full time from home and is finishing my degree at night. I am extremely busy and need to change my ways of living in constant chaos.

Well those are just a few personal goals I have for the new year. Wishing all of you a prosperous and healthy New Year! Bring on 2013!

Here’s my son ready to party!



“It’s like eating ground up teeth”

My husband said this me one night after I attempted a fancy rice dish. Ha. While snarky, it was very accurate. I am the absolute worst in the kitchen. The only thing I’ve perfected is Sangria. My husband’s face lights up when we go out to eat like he’s never tasted food before. I once thought it would be great idea to put maple breakfast sausage in spaghetti. (I don’t recommend this.) I am the queen of serving bland veggies and I somehow always over-season chicken. You name it, I’ve burnt it.

In my defense, I just started cooking. My husband was the chef and up until our schedules changed, he did most of the cooking. I never learned the basics when I was younger. In college, I lived off of ramen and granola bars.

So here and now, I am announcing to the world (or you who are reading this) that my New Years resolution is be less awful and more awesome in the kitchen. I no longer want to be requested to bring ice to family parties. Take-out cannot be my forte. Cooking classes here I come! 🙂

Cuteness for Every Season

This is the cutest idea ever.. I had to share! 😀

Life So Lovely.

I’ve been planning a seasonal collage of McKenzie for our hallway, and I’ve got 3 out of 4 photos now! I took the winter one today since we have some fresh snow. I think it’s so fun! Maybe I’ll start doing 1 every month so I can make a calendar next year. Just thought I’d share…I can’t wait to order the 8×10’s so her adorableness can adorn our hallway. It will be super-easy to replace one every 3 or 4 months, nothing too crazy. =) Any ideas for spring? I was thinking something with Tulips maybe…? Or maybe in a puddle? I’m sorta drawing a blank…

McKenzieCollageOh. And FYI: Netflix currently has Pocahontas, The Aristocats, and Fox & the Hound! Some of my favorite kids movies (thanks for the tip Jesse)! I LOVE the songs in Pocahontas.

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My DIY Holiday Card Shoot

Now that I have a baby, I wanted to send out a Holiday card. We are trying to cut back so I decided to take my own photos.Trying to get a nine month old to sit still while smiling was not exactly easy. I suggest bribery and extreme goofiness. I didn’t use any fancy props, just a Santa hat, pjs, my house and backyard. Nothing spectacular, but I managed to capture a few sweet moments. The last one is my favorite. It’s hard not to love this little guy. 🙂

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